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6 Ways to Elevate Event Sponsorship Visibility

February 13, 2023

For any event to be successful, a large part of it depends on funding. Hosting large events is no small feat and requires a lot of financial and human capital investment. As an event planner, having sponsors is one thing, and helping your sponsors derive value by boosting their visibility is another. This article will examine why sponsors' visibility is important and how to elevate it.

The Right Match: How to Get Great Sponsors

Sponsorships are one of the most common ways to fund your event, but that doesn’t mean the process is easy-peasy. So, how do you locate sponsors who'll help you create an amazing event? We'll look at the step-by-step process below:

  1. Define your sponsorship criteria

When looking for sponsors for your event, it is important to search for the right ones. A tip for success is to outline top criteria that would qualify sponsors for your event. You need to look for company values that align with yours, companies that have funded your event, and companies whose target market aligns with yours. The goal is to build long-lasting partnerships with companies with similar interests to yours. This way, your event sponsorship will be better suited to your goals.

  1. Research your target companies

Once you have compiled your list of criteria for your sponsors, the next step is to research different sponsors that meet your target market. You should have a list of the people, brands, and companies you would love to sponsor your event. Find out their reasons for wanting to sponsor your event and if these reasons will be of benefit to you. Also, research how you can provide value to them. Your event will be much more of a success when you better understand your target sponsors.

  1. Draft a great sponsorship proposal

To get your target sponsors to consider working with you as an event planner; you have to let them know why you want them and how they would benefit from the partnership. A proposal letter should contain all the details about your event, the target demographic you want at the event, packages that are of benefit to the sponsors, and testimonials that show you always have successful events. Your letter should be clear and straight to the point. At the end of the letter, you should give directions on the next steps for any interested sponsors. 

  1. Prepare your data 

For potential sponsors, putting funds into an event is an investment. An effective way to win sponsors over as an event planner is by showing them sufficient data to back up the benefits you have assured them of. Event surveys from past events hosted, images and videos highlighting how the event went, and lead generation from the last event are great data to give to your sponsors. This gives you a higher chance of securing sponsorships.

How Improved Visibility Can Help Your Sponsors 

People are more comfortable doing business with brands and companies that they believe can meet their expectations. Your event can allow brands and companies to meet their potential customers and sell their services. Improved visibility can help sponsors in these ways:

  1. Increased ROI 

Sponsorships provide brands and organizations exposure which results in a good return on investment. Industry events help to gather a large number of attendees who are interested in a particular service. Companies who sponsor these events are in a great place to meet them, carry out targeted marketing, and generate high-value leads. 

  1. Provides valuable insight

You can learn a lot from sponsoring an event. Sponsorships help you get a first-hand look at how other businesses operate. You learn about new trends and strategies other businesses employ to drive sales. Great virtual event platforms like Performedia also provide excellent analytics, which can provide insight into the audience's perception of your business.

  1.  Improves lead generation

Sponsoring events gives businesses a platform to gain new customers and present the human side of their organization to them. You get to promote your products and services, collect customer details, and create a mailing list. Research before an event guides sponsors on the best methods to employ to create as many leads as possible.

  1. Boosts brand engagement 

Sponsorships put your businesses in the line of sight of different people. The larger the event, the more exposure. Businesses can take advantage of improved exposure to boost sales and drive ROI. 

6 Ways to Elevate Sponsorship Visibility

As an event planner, you need to make your sponsors visible. Below are six ways by which you can elevate their visibility.

  1. Promote sponsors across all venue screens 

As an event planner, you must promote your sponsors. You can achieve this by displaying their logos, banners, pictures, and any message they may have across all the screens at your event. 

  1. Use targeted event branding

Event branding is another way to elevate your sponsors' image. You can do this by including each of your sponsors in the name of your event. You can also ensure that your sponsors' logos and pictures are displayed throughout the event's publicity materials, virtual event backgrounds, and on the event registration page. This way, your event attendees become more and more familiar with your sponsors.

  1. Give social media shoutouts

Social media is a massive platform to use for event promotion. As an event planner, using social media to your advantage requires creativity. Create ad campaigns that show the uniqueness of your sponsors and put them on all your social platforms. Some platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have targeting capabilities that can help you reach your audience directly. Make sure that all posts are on both your and your sponsor's page.

  1. Create virtual event booths

Virtual event booths are becoming a huge thing in the virtual event industry. They help you to showcase your products and services virtually and reach a global audience. When creating a virtual booth, make sure to include your sponsor's products and services. Also, add their name when designing your booth.

  1. Include curated sessions with sponsors in your event

Curated sessions are a great way to get your attendees to meet and understand your sponsors better. You can host a dedicated Q&A session or a product explanation session, allowing your attendees to get some one-on-one time with your sponsors.

  1. Create targeted offers for attendees

If your event is for a new product or service, offering a free trial can help generate more interest. This will boost their brand awareness and will increase their visibility. Targeting specific people in your audience and giving them offers they cannot receive will help elevate your sponsors.


The purpose of event sponsorships is to boost ROI, generate brand awareness, and boost lead generation. Ensuring that brands, companies, and organizations that sponsor your events get the needed visibility they need is a great way to keep getting the best sponsorships for your event.