(National Diversity Women's Business Leadership Conference)
When DWM decided to make their National Diversity Women's Business Leadership Conference even more diverse by providing access to those who could not be there in person, they turned to Performedia to sort out the details. And what was one of the most difficult details? Internet bandwidth.
About the project:
Diversity Woman Media is designed for business leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs of all races, cultures, and backgrounds. Their woman-owned media company has evolved over 15 years from powerful content focused on leadership advancement to now leveraging additional empowerment programs for all professional women in the workplace. Recognized as a leading, multi-platform professional and executive leadership development enterprise that advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion.
The Challenge:
DWM needed sufficient bandwidth to stream live session content from 5 rooms for two days from the conference. The initial quote from the in-house internet provider was $40,000.
The Solution:
First, Performedia approached the internet vendor to try to achieve a significant discount for DWM. The internet provider eventually agreed to a lower fee: $20,000, but that was still higher than what DWM had budgeted. Performedia instead offered to bring our own bandwidth with us to the venue. Cost to the client: a little over $8,000, or more than 75% less than the initial quote.
How it worked:
Performedia brought standard-size hard-cases into each of the session rooms, and kept them at the back of the room at the tech table. The cases don't open - they just plugged in the wall. 10 minutes later the box was bonding together bandwidth from Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile to provide solid hardwire internet speeds of 20-30mbps. The box can also provide wifi, but that was not required for this event.
Other Benefits - Redundancy:
Each box not only bonded the bandwidth among at least 3 different mobile network providers, but also had 8 different communications capabilities ready to go, in order to provide redundancy in case there were any issues. With those eight backup channels, the bandwidth in the rooms was more robust and protected against interruptions than the hardwired internet available at the venue itself.
Onsite Production Team Kept an Eye on Everything:
Unlike most venue internet providers who rely on huge bandwidth providers for their solutions, but have a hard time reaching those providers by phone for troubleshooting, with our solution, support is much more responsive and reliable. After each box was set up at the back of the room, the support staff remotely accessed each box and fine tuned it for its specific location. There were no issues, no need for attendee wifi, but if there had been, our onsite personnel were ready and able to help
The Result:
DWM was able to secure and benefit from robust internet connectivity at their event, and were able to pay less than 25% of the cost they were originally quoted for internet connections from the venue.